「注意:無論任何佛教宗派,凡是佛教徒所修、念、觀等任何佛法,密宗、顯宗、念佛參禪、止觀等等都必須實行《了義佛旨》,如有所違背,修任何佛法不得受用成就!!! 切要!!! 切要!!! 切要!!!」
Definitive Tenets Imparted by Buddha了義佛旨
(Attention:Regardless of their sect or school,all Buddhists who practice, recite, or enterinner visualizationofany Buddha Dharma—Dharmas in Exoteric Buddhism or Esoteric Buddhism, chanting the holy names of Buddhas, meditation, śamatha-vipaśyanā, and so forth—must abide bythese“Definitive Tenets Imparted by Buddha”at all times.If you violate these Tenets, you will not actualize any beneficial effectsor attain any accomplishment fromwhatever Buddha Dharmasyou practice! This is of critical importance! This is of utmostimportance!)I,_____________, am a Buddhist disciple who profoundlyunderstandsthat the Great Holy Vidyārāja Judgement Kingstrictly upholds and enforces the Dharma and will judge everyone’s good and evil on His own initiative without being requested.With a sincere mind seeking toattain purity, Irespectfully beseechall Buddhas and Bodhisattvasof allWorlds inthe ten directions to examine, throughout day and night, mythree karmas—action, speech, and mind. (Now chant the Mantra for Invoking Buddhas and Bodhisattvas請佛菩薩咒.)I respectfully beseech the Great Holy Vidyārāja Judgement King to determine if all the Dharmas and holy mantras that I practiceare efficacious.(Now Chant the Judgement King Mantra裁判王咒.)With a sincerely clear and puremind, I understand theironcladstipulations of the“Definitive Tenets Imparted by Buddha”:“AllBuddhist workthat a Buddhist cultivator undertakes must be based uponafoundationof great compassion.Onemust notintentionallyharm living beingsin the slightestway. Onemust notdeliberately cause living beingsto losetheir dwellings. One must notdeliberately depriveliving beings of food orwater, intentionally give them poisonous food,or cause adversitiesto harm living beings. Even in times ofself-defense, onestill must not knowinglyviolate the above-mentioned. As a Buddhist disciple, oneshould performlife releases,which are virtuousdeeds. If oneclearly understands,yet knowingly violates theseTenets, onewill not actualizeany beneficial effectsfrom any holy Dharmasthat onepractices. Rather,as a result of one’scausality and karmic forces, onewill suffer the retribution of transmigratinginto the three lower realms torepay the karmic debt that oneowes. If oneviolatesanyTenets due to avidyā, onemust deeply repent and must not violate them again. As a Buddhist cultivator, bynot doing any evil and doing all kinds of good deeds, onewill attain fruition in correspondence with thekarmic conditions andactualize beneficial effects from all the Dharmas that onepractices.”Thus empowered,I wish that Iandall living beingswill actualizeaccomplishment in the Dharma, enter the true realization state, and soon attain enlightenment.
(Translation updated: 7/22/2021)